Thanks for the shout out

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I was extremely gratified to read a recent blog post from our friends over at Techport Thirteen about the AssetTrack® online product demonstration I gave in mid-June. Poster Rob Swingle from Techport Thirteen was among the attendees.   I invite you to read the blog yourself, but I wanted to highlight a comment there I was particularly…

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AMI’s new AssetTrack® version 3.5 offers big steps forward in compatibility, usability and security

AMI AssetTrack - Asset Management Software

AMI’s new AssetTrack® version 3.5 offers big steps forward in compatibility, usability and security The culmination of nine months of development and testing, AMI is pleased to announce the latest upgrade to their acclaimed AssetTrack™ technology, version 3.5. “3.5 is a terrific suite of new features,” says AMI President and CEO Thomas Watson. “Every change…

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